Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving Poem

On the kitchen table was a turkey fat and round;
But when we went to cook it, it was nowhere to be found.
We looked all through the kitchen, in the pantry, in the well.
We asked Jim if he'd seen it, and Kate and Annabell.
And even little Mary. We asked her if she knew.
She looked at us a bit surprised and said, "Of course I do."
"Poor turkey wasn't feeling well because he lost his head.
So I put him in my nightgown, and I tucked him into bed."

I learned this poem in 2nd or 3rd grade. I think I still have the picture I drew to go with the writing assignment. It's now a family tradition to recite this every Thanksgiving.....

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!!

3 smart remarks:

runningfan said...

Ah, JoAnn, I'm glad you're back! This brought back a bit of my childhood! Thanks!

granny said...

Oh Joey...I haven't remembered that for a while! I need to teach that to the kids. I remember a couple of words differently...I need to fix that! You are the one who actually learned it at school. Haha. "We looked all through the kitchen, in the pantry on the shelf" and "even tiny Mary" and "I put my nightgown on him and I tucked him into bed." Funny how it all comes back!

joeyship said...

You might have it right. Do you think my memory is really that good? And I can't remember if it was Jim, or some other kid. hahahaha Whatever works for ya! That's what I say....