Monday, June 16, 2008

I know -- it's about time I posted

It's about time for another post, I suppose. Katie has posted at least my last two blogs. I don't know why I don't do this more often, other than the fact that I am truly the most boring person on the planet and have nothing to say that would be of interest to anyone else!

So I'll catch you up on a bunch of not much that's been happening in my life:

1. More hours of work. I have picked up more hours at my second job to help me pay for gas and other things affected by the price of gas. I am now working every Sunday and the 2nd and 4th Saturday mornings of the month. I am still working the Friday shift every week. This means I have two Saturdays off during the month. It's kind of a rough schedule, but it won't be forever, I hope. The upside is that it is an easy, brainless job; and I have met so many nice people that I get to visit with every week! :o)

2. Prison graduation. We had our graduation ceremony at the prison. We topped our record and awarded 270 high school diplomas this year. This is really amazing because we had so many changes in requirements this year. The ceremony was great; however, I nearly froze to death.

3. Bedroom progress. I continue to make a little progress on my bedroom every week. I am trying to find some time to paint my closet doors and hang pictures, etc., on the walls. Otherwise, it is mostly completed. I'm really enjoying it and love having my clothes out of boxes and into drawers and closets again. :o)

4. Green grass. My lawn looks better than it ever has before. I think part of it is the cool, damp spring we've had. The other part is having a lawn care company come to apply fertilizer and weed killer on a regular basis. It has been a challenge keeping it mowed--it grows so fast. And it doesn't help when someone vandalizes your mower. I'm happy to say that the mischievious trick was easily reversed and it's running better than ever.


6. Tomato plants. Mom gave me three tomato plants this year. One of them actually has blossoms on it, and I'm so thrilled. It's been several years since I grew anything in the garden. I truly love puttering in the soil, but my time has just been so limited in recent years. It is my dream to get back to it before too many years pass.

7. Goodbye big red purse. The red minivan that Dylan has been driving finally gave up the ghost. The transmission finally blew up. I was able to find a buyer that gave me $200 for it and towed it away. I drove a lot of carpools in that van, and both Katie and Dylan depended on it for years. I realize it was kind of embarrassing for them, but it was "wheels." So farewell, good friend. Sniff.

8. Car shopping. I spent some time car shopping with Dylan. We needed to get him into something quickly. It took about a week, but we finally found a cute little 2005 Suzuki Forenza. He's really enjoying it and it's a relief not to be worrying about him getting stranded somewhere.

9. Baseball game. I finally got to go to a baseball game!!!!! I went with Katie and Troy. It turns out a good friend of mine was there, and I ended up sitting with him while K & T sought out her friends and coworkers. The Bees lost that night, but it was delightful anyway. I so love baseball.

10. The Scottish Festival. I went with a couple of friends to the annual Scottish Festival at Thanksgiving Point. We watched the Highland Games, ate junk food, got sunburned even with sunblock, wandered among the booths and listened to a lot of good music. If you want a sample of the band we heard, go to You Tube and type in Wicked Tinkers. They are what you might call the hard rock of traditional Scottish music with bagpipes, drums and even a digeridoo. There's actually one of their numbers on my playlist. You'll love em, I promise.

11. Father's Day. I truly have the best dad in the whole universe. He is truly the one man in my life that I have always been able to count on. He is ALWAYS there for me, cheering me on, whether I deserved it or not. I was not having a good day yesterday (Father's Day). His big hug brought me so much comfort. Add to that the fact that he and mom drove clear out here last night to help me figure out my lawn mower situation. He helped me drain the mower of its tainted gas, and it fired right up. I was in a near panic because the mower was broken and my lawn was halfway to my knees. Thanks, dad, for rescuing me once again. I love you bunches.

Well, I think I had better sign off. Tomorrow is trash pickup and I need to go fill up those cans and then get to bed. I truly do intend to get better about this. I'll try to find some things to make my life a little more exciting so I have something to write about. haha

I love you all.......

1 smart remarks:

granny said...

Thanks for posting! I'd say your life is pretty even got to dig in the dirt a little! Hang in there with that wicked work schedule, girlfriend.