Wednesday, June 20, 2007

The first time......

This is the first time I've attempted to do this sort of thing. It's not something I'm particularly "into" or comfortable with. My main goal is being able to comment on other blogs--especially my Bug's. Her blogs are so creative and insightful. Since I don't get to see her or talk with her as often as I would like, this will be a way to have an ongoing dialog about things that are important to us.

Anyone who really knows me is aware that I do not enjoy being the center of attention, or even being slightly noticed. So this is way out of my comfort zone. But I decided that it's always good to step out of the zone every now and then to try something new.

So here I am................. For the first time.........................

2 smart remarks:

Kate said...

WHOOOOOOEEE! Yo momma's online! Word!

SO, I'm looking forward to this dialouge. Yay. :) Buggy.

joeyship said...

Buggy???? hahahaha I like it!